Landscape Tours

Day 1   Antananarivo

       Arrival in Tana, meet and greet at the airport then transfer to your hotel. Our reps will meet you at your hotel to hand you all your travel documents and to make a briefing for the whole tours. Night in hotel


Antananarivo means “City of thousands”. Its story began 500 years ago, the king Andrianjaka sent over 1000 soldiers to cut the forest and to conquer the land. Then the great King Andrianampoinimerina, attracted by the beauty of the city, decided to build a palace there, which became later his successor’s main palace. From here the same king started to unify the different kingdoms of the island.  During King Radama’s reign  Antananarivo became the capital of all Madagascar. . Antananarivo is build on 3 levels : the high city where the queen’s palace is situated, the first area occupied during the royal period, then the mid-city, the administrative area where all the better boutiques of the capital are found, then the low city which is the commercial area of the Arrival in Tana, meet and greet at the airport then transfer to your hotel. Our reps will meet you at your hotel to hand you all your travel documents and to make a briefing for the whole tours. Night in hotel


Transfer Airport – Hotel

San Cristobal BB

Day 2   Antananarivo – Kirindy (Réserve)

       Transfer to the airport for the flight to Morondava, on arrival transfer through the Baobabs forest and the red soil of the west to Kirindy, Settlement in the lodge then meet the guide for night expedition of the reserve, We’ll start an expedition to see the fossa and other night active lemur’s species; overnight in the lodge.

 Kirindy reserve

Rich on wildlife and home to 8 species of day active lemurs, Kirindy is also home to “the Fossa” the only predator for lemurs and the “Giant Jumping Rat” and the world’s smallest primate as well as dozens of amphibian and reptile species (and no poisonous snakes). The Kirindy boasts more than 60 species of birds, and thus become an inevitable spot for bird watching.


Transport by private 4WD

Short day and night walk in Kirindy reserve

Relais du Kirindy BB

Day 3   Kirindy (Réserve) – Bekopaka Bemaraha

     The Kirindy boasts more than 60 species of birds, so early morning we have 2 hours hike to look for birds before we take our breakfast. Then around 9.00am,  2 hours’ drive to Tsimafana through the Baobabs forest and the red soil of the west. We take a Ferry boat transfer to reach Belo. Then head on to Bekopaka for another 4 hours adventure in a dirt track. This drive brings us to Madagascar profound, the bush African side of the country with its dry and red soil. One can experience the real life of Malagasy people in the driest part of the country. Arrival in Bekopaka by end of the afternoon, check-in and overnight in Hotel


Transport by private 4WD

Ferryboat transfer in Tsiribihina and Manambolo Rivers

Soleil des Tsingy LDBB

Day 4   Bekopaka Bemaraha

       Morning, after breakfast, hike to the Tsingy, a limestone mountain classified as an international heritage. This massif is spectacularly eroded into a chaos of karsts pinnacle which gives it a very strange form. Here nature seems to be in perfect harmony with this wild and sharp limestone mountain. The flora consists of a dry western deciduous forest, plants typical of these dry limestone areas, such as species of Aloe and baobab Andasonia, the red-flowered flamboyant tree Delonix regia which is so widely planted in the tropics. Madagascar’s sole native banana Musa perrieri also occurs. Regarding flora, we can see typical plants growing in the rocky area such pachypodium, orchids. Concerning the fauna we can see the stump-tailed chameleon Brookesia perarmata known from only a handful specimens, the bird list contains 53 species, seven species of lemurs including Decken’s sifaka Propithecus verreauxi deckeni. Overnight in hotel


Manambolo river combinated with small Tsingy or just Big Tsingy

Soleil des Tsingy LDBB

Day 5   Bekopaka Bemaraha – Morondava

       Breakfast at hotel then, cross Manambolo river and take the dirt road to Morondava. Stop in Belo sur Tsiribihina  where we cross the Tsiribihina river with a local ferry to reach Tsimafana.  From there another 4 hours to reach Morondava. We are in the region of splendid Grandidiers baobab, Andasonia grandidieri. We stop in « ALLEE DES BAOBABS » and enjoy the sunset picture of this unique moment, with its different colours and lights. Night in Hotel.


Transport by private 4WD

Ferry boat transfer in Manambolo and Tsiribihina Rivers

Sunset in Avenue of Baobabs

Palissandre Cote Ouest Resort & Spa DBB

Day 6   Morondava – Belo sur Mer

      After breakfast, short visit of Morondava then 4 hours drive southwards on a dirt and sandy track to reach Belo sur mer. Our adventure starts with crossing Kabatomena, the first long river without bridge, then followed by Maharivo, a second shorter one. Arrival in Belo sur Mer around noon. A small town situated on the beach, Belo is a fishermen village known for its dhow construction. Afternoon, we visit to the village and see the traditional open air dhow construction. Settling and overnight in hotel.


Transport by private 4WD

Visit of belo/mer village

Ecolodge du Menabe BB

Day 7   Belo sur Mer – Andavadoaka

      Today is another long drive but a rewarding one with beautiful scenery: everywhere we see baobabs, spiny forest. Here we are really in Africa with its bush landscape, its dark feature population. We’ll continue our drive, we take another ferry and cross Mangoky River and reach the town of Bevoay, one of the most important city where a big dam has just been built to water all the fertile plains, the rice and vegetables fields surrounding. Our car has to drive through another 2 small different rivers. The second step is the drive from Bevoay to Andavadoaka via Morombe which takes 4 hours with some stops in between. Estimated arrival late in the afternoon. Overnight in hotel.


Transport by private 4WD

Ferryboat transfer in Mangoky River

Olobe Lodge BB

Day 8   Andavadoaka

       Day at leisure in Andavadoaka, known for its beautiful lagoon, its emerald sea, white sandy beach, and its baobab forest.  A nice fishermen village with a breath-taking scenery, it is also the best relaxing spot after the long and hard journey. Overnight in the same hotel

Olobe Lodge BB

Day 9   Andavadoaka – Andravona

        Morning just enjoy the beautiful and eerie scenery around here, the blue emerald sea, its small creeks, the sand, the spiny forest. We drive 4 km and stop in a pond surrounded by huge baobabs, where birds used to drink.  We’ll continue our drive across the coastal line through dunes, sand with nice view of the sea, baobabs, spiny forest, and thorny bushes. Then we pass the most difficult part of the 30 km of sandy road to Befandefa before we reach Andravona, which is another seaside resort north of Tuléar. Arrival in Andravona early in the afternoon, and you can just enjoy the view from the dunes, overlooking the fishermen village, the emarld sea and the lagoon. Overnight in hotel


Transport by private 4WD

Mikea Lodge DBB

Day 10   Andravona – Ranohira (Isalo)

        After breakfast, we drive to Ifaty. We’ll continue our drive through the same landscape: dunes and sand with nice view of the sea, baobabs. As we drive along the coast line and along the spiny forest, the baobabs and the dunes. From there, we take the National Road 7 till Antananarivo with first stop in Isalo. This step brings us to the interior part of Madagascar, the land of Mahafaly and Antandroy, a tribe from bantoo origin. Along the way we’ll see many tombs of these tribes. We cross the Zombitse Forest, a transition zone between the dry south and the land of Isalo, a formation of continental sandstone rocks. Stop in Ilalaka, a town known for its sapphire and precious stone. Arrival in Isalo, settling and overnight in hotel


Transport by private 4WD

Satrana Lodge BB

Day 11   Ranohira (Isalo)

        4 to 6 hours hike in ISALO National Park. The park covers an area of 81,540 ha comprising the entire stretch of the Isalo massif. This huge massif is spectacular with its eroded sandstone mountains. 10 minutes drive from Ranohira village to the entrance of the park, then 90 minutes hiking through the massif to get a  spectacular view of Isalo’s eroded sandstone mountains with its different colors, its strange and eroded forms giving many different images like « the tortoise », « the masks » and « the crocodiles ». Vegetation is composed of Uapaca bojeri, Pachypodium rosulatum, an endemic species in Isalo, Aloe isaloensis.  During the hike, one can see tombs inside rockclefts, as these mountains are also a Bara burial place. The canyon is just spectacular with its deep gorge. One will see small streams of water, small rivers which are marked by lines of brilliant green, generally made up of numerous Pandanus pulcher and the delicate, slim-stemmed, feathery leaved palm Chrysalidocarpus isaloensis. Along the way, for lemur’s lovers, one might see sifakas, brown lemurs and ring-tails, also fifty five species of birds, lizards, snakes. Back to the hotel at the end of the afternoon. Then around 04.30pm, visit the “fenêtre de l’Isalo” for the sunset. Back and overnight in your hotel


Visit of Isalo National Park

Satrana Lodge BB

Day 12   Ranohira (Isalo) – Andringitra

        After breakfast, we head on to Ihosy the capital of Bara tribes which are shepherds of Zebu. We pass through the huge « plateaux de Horombe » with its very spacious savannah, which reminds us of « the no man’s land ».  From one place to another we can see some droves of zebus, accompanied by Bara men with his rifle. We arrive in Ihosy, the land of Bara tribe, who are darker skinned with African features if compared to Merina. They are cattle-raisers and many activities during their life are associated with Zebu. For instance, to get a wife, a man has to steal few zebus to show his strength and virility. We leave the main road and take 35 km track to reach Andringitra, on the Tsaranoro Valley. Overnight in hotel.


Transport by private 4WD

Camp Catta BB

Day 13   Andringitra

       After breakfast, we’ll explore the mountain of Andringitra, the “Tsaranoro valley”.  It has 31.160 ha surface area  and the park  itself is situated in Andrigitra Massif of an unique granite and gneiss formation. Situated in quite high altitude,varying from 700 to 2658 meters, Andringitra   has 3 types of vegetations.  The  lower  altitude is dominated by eastern lowland rainforest where legimunous tree like “ Dalbergia” are in common. Then in higher    altitude ( 800 –  1500 m),  medium altitude rainforest  with lichens and montane woodland  are dominating. The highest altitude is dominated by high mountain prairies and alpine like vegetation.  Being the  2nd highest peak of the country, with its Pic Boby ( 2400 m), the highest altitudes have recorded the lowest temperatures known in Madagascar ( -8°C) and snowfalls may occur in July and August. The most attraction to Andringitra is especially the landscape, the tranquillity of the area  and the walk inside the National park, through its granite   mountain


Hike in Tsaranoro Valley

Camp Catta BB

Day 14   Andringitra – Ranomafana

       Morning head back to the national 7, from there 1 hour drive northward to Ambalavao. Stop in Anja, a park run by the village where part of the income serves to pay the teachers of the local school. The walk will bring you to the forest of Anja where we can admire a large family of ringtail lemurs. Since this area is known for grape plantation, on option we can visit one of the local wine factories. Then we head on to Ranomafana, which will be reached within 90minutes. The landscape is now changing into a greener one, with a tropical forest on the both sides, sometimes interrupted by small villages selling bananas or charcoals.Overnight in hotel.


Transport by private 4WD

1hour visit of Anja Park

Centrest Sejour BB

 Day 15   Ranomafana

      4 hours expedition in the forest with a local guide to see 12 species of lemurs, Ranomafana is the most important site of lemurs in Madagascar, it is the only confirmed site for the two rarest species the greater bamboo lemur Hapalemur simus and the golden bamboo lemur Hapalemur aureus. Different species like Fulvus Rufus, Varieca Variegata, Hapalemur griseus, Avahi lanigeur, Lepilemur mustelinus, Propithecus diadema edwardsi, Cheirogaleus major and Daubentounia madagscariensis are also seen there. More than 100 birds, five species of viverrids, reptiles, lizards, butterflies and other insects have been recorded in this park. The area is covered with forest, in the higher areas ,the trees are festooned with mosses and lichens, much of this secondary forest is dominated by the introduced tree Psidium cattleyarum, also giant bamboo Cephalostacyum viguieri. Various orchids such as Bblophyllum and Eulophiella, steep mountains, dramatic waterfalls and natural hot springs make this endangered and exotic forest charming and unusual . The name Ranomafana means  » hot water  » due to its thermal springs. Overnight in hotel


3 to 4 Hours visit of Ranomafana National Park

Centrest Sejour BB 

Day 16   Ranomafana  – Ambositra

       After breakfast, we head on to Fianarantsoa the capital of Betsileo tribes. Called “the gate of the South”, Fianarantsoa is the capital of Betsileo tribes. A very catholic city, this is the seat of Jesuits and the best university is found there. We continue to Ambositra, on arrival settlement and overnight in hotel


Transport by private 4WD

Artisan Hotel BB

Day 17   Ambositra

        Day Trek to the village of a “Zafimariy village”. The Zafimaniry are a subgroup of the Betsileo and are known for their exquisite carvings. Many of their homes are true works of art and you will have the opportunity to get closely acquainted with village life. You see the wood carvers at work and enjoy the surroundings.


Transport by private 4WD

Day trek to the village of Zafimaniry

Artisan Hotel BB

Day 18   Ambositra – Antananarivo

       Today we come across the highlands, characterised by its terraced rice fields beautifully arranged on the hills, its valleys decorated with wide vegetable plantation, its chilly climate and its Asian featured population. We stop and visit some “Zafimaniry handcrafts atelier” where we can experience this traditional “know how” of woodcarving, marquetry, sculptures, which made this tribe very famous of.  Continuation to Antsirabe, or « the place of salt « , an elegant city best known as the centre of beer, we can smell the Bewery as we enter the town. With its temperate climate, all fruits and vegetable, which grow in cold climate, are found in Antsirabe. Known as a city of handcrafts, we will visit some ateliers such as “miniature of bike, old cars of 2 CV, then the zebu’ horn workshop where we can see the transformation of Zebu’s horn into decoration.  In the afternoon, we head on to Tana, the final destination of this amazing and complete tour. .


Transport by private 4WD

City tour of Antsirabe

San Cristobal BB 

Day 19   Antananarivo

      Transfer to the airport for the international flight back home


Transfer Hotel – Airport

                                                               Price from 3229 Euro per person


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